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Reviews / Before and After > Surgery Reviews+
  • 200% Satisfied!
  • 2021-11-11 hit.16,059
  • Writer : Kim****

Reason for Surgery

The position for my upper teeth and lower teeth did not match. I’ve been contemplating surgery for a long time and I was told that I needed to change my orthodontic treatment plan to match it accordingly with double jaw surgery. Whenever I took pictures, my face would look long and my chin looked protruded. That is why I decided to get surgery!


1 Day

There is a lot of phlegm in my throat so breathing is uncomfortable. The plug that was put inside my nose is also stuffy and I got it taken out at dawn. My throat hurts a lot and swallowing my spit is difficult.


2 Days

The pain and stiffness got better compared to yesterday but I still have phlegm in my throat. Breathing is uncomfortable. I’m not sure if it’s due to the wafer but drinking water is difficult and my nose is clogged. I want to take out my wafers quickly.


3 Days

The swelling on my face makes my face feel stiff. Swallowing my saliva is still difficult. Other than that, everything is okay. I’ll try to make the swelling decrease by going on walks!


4 Days

I think that my swelling got worse. Even when I removed the facial tape, I read on the precautions after surgery that cold compression is only recommended for 3 days. I stopped the cold compression and I’m proceeding with going on walks and using the compression band. I hope my swelling decreases quickly.


5 Days

I’m going on walks frequently and I’m making sure that I use my compression band. I don’t think the swelling decreased dramatically but I’ll still make sure that I maintain this routine. I’m trying to practice opening my mouth.



6 Days

I’m satisfied with how my face got better compared to yesterday! I also go on walks and eat as much as possible. Maybe that’s why it feels like I’m healing quicker. I hope my bigger swelling decreases quickly!



7 Days

I can see that my swelling is decreasing slowly through selfies. Eating feels much more comfortable. The roof of my mouth is swollen so my throat still hurts when I swallow my saliva. But I’m glad that the swelling is getting better. I hope that swelling gets better quickly.

8 Days

I don’t really see much of a difference today. I got my mouth disinfected at the clinic today. One week has passed and I hope 2 weeks pass by quickly.

9 Days

I feel that the swelling decreased a bit today. By of course, it’ll still take a lot more time. Since it rained today, I couldn’t go on a walk.


11 Days

The swelling in the inside of my mouth still isn’t decreasing. I’m starting to crave different kinds of food slowly. I got used to the liquid diet but I still want to eat food. I hope I recovery quickly.


12 Days

I’m going on long walks and it’s helping my swelling. I’m starting to get comfortable day by day.


13 Days

I’m not sure if it’s because I went on walks frequently but I can see that my swelling decreased a lot through pictures. Opening my mouth feels a bit more comfortable.


19 Days

The swelling decreases a lot and I’m happy that I don’t have to wear a mask anymore to cover it up. People around me said that I changed and compliment me so I’m happy!


22 Days

The swelling on my philtrum and jaw will probably take the longest to heal. Other than that, I’m not experiencing any discomfort. I want to be able to chew food T___T. That’s the only frustrating part.


33 Days

I’m happy that I can slowly eat rice now. I don’t have any discomforts but the left side of my cheek is still swollen which makes my face look awkward. Other than that, there’s nothing wrong! I’m satisfied with everything else.


41 Days

Chewing is a lot easier now. The roof of my mouth and my philtrum is still swollen so it looks awkward. It doesn’t affect me from doing my daily activities though. I’m in a good mood nowadays!~


2 Months

I’m doing well! I still have swelling in the inside of my mouth but it doesn’t affect my life, so I’m okay. I’m able to eat more foods so I’m worried that I might gain weight. I want to end my braces procedure soon.


3 Months

I can proceed with eating and doing my daily activities without any problem! About 90% of my swelling has decreased. I just need to make sure that I don’t eat foods that are too hard of tough. Other than that, I can eat almost anything. I’m still in the middle of doing braces after surgery.


4 Months

I have no discomforts with swelling or anything else! I’m almost done with the braces procedure so I’m excited to get them taken out in the future. I can eat well! Time flies by quickly.


5 Months

A lot of people tell me that my surgery went well and that my appearance changed, so I’m satisfied. I’m on the last month of doing braces. After one more month, I’ll get them removed. I’m happy that I’m recovering well and that the surgery went well.


6 Months

I don’t remember what I looked like before surgery since the results look natural. People around me are asking about where I got my surgery so I feel happy. I’m thankful that I was finally able to fix my long term concern about my face. I’m getting my braces taken off next month so I’m happy. Everyone around me say that the surgery results look natural which makes me even more satisfied. ^_^


7 Months

The swelling on the inside of my mouth and the swelling on my face seems to be gone now. I’m happy with how natural my face looks. I don’t have any discomforts! Now that I think about it, I don’t know how I was able to handle such a big and scary surgery. Thank you to the doctor and consultant and staff that treated me with care!!


8 Months

The skin that was sagging after surgery got much better. Whenever people around me look at me, they said that I made a good decision to get surgery. This makes me realize how important it is to decide on getting surgery. I’m glad that I was able to a positive outcome with surgery!


9 Months

I’m not experiencing any discomforts and all of the worries I had before is completely gone now. It makes me wonder why I was so worried before. I’m proud of myself for choosing to undergo such a big surgery. I have no regrets and I’m glad that I made this change in my life!


10 Months

Time seems to fly by quickly. It’s already been 10 months since my surgery. I can’t believe it’ll be one year soon. The concerns that I had all my life is now gone, it feels like a dream. My face looks natural and everyone around me says that I look younger. They get surprised and say I look like a different person. I’m 200% satisfied! I made the right decision to get surgery at EU.​

18 Months

20 Months

21 Months

25 Months​​

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